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Wednesday Night Lacrosse Rules


Lacrosse Rules


Last Revised: June, 2005

Lacrosse Rules


It should be noted that the rules in this document have been tailored to adapt to the limitations and safety requirements of the Wednesday Night Lacrosse league. Most rules have been adapted from official lacrosse rules (based on the National Lacrosse League). In most cases, the modifications are identified either in the rule descriptions or as “Note”s.


1. General Play Rules


1.1 Possession of the Ball




A player is said to have possession of the ball once they have control of it in their stick.




A team is said to have possession until a player from the opposing team gets possession of the ball. This means that in the event of a loose ball, whichever team had possession of the ball before it became loose is considered to still have possession. This is relevant typically for a shot clock, which we are not using but it can also apply in other situations, such as over and back.


Note: In lacrosse there is a 30 second shot clock, I.e. a team has 30 seconds from the time they get possession to take a shot on the opponents net. This rule is not applied for our league, as we do not have timekeepers. In addition to the 30-second shot clock, a team also only has 10 seconds to get the ball into the opponent’s end from the time they get possession.


1.2 Change of Possession


Change of possession occurs when a goal has been scored or team has an infraction or has violated a general play rule, i.e. over and back.


It should be noted that when a goal is scored in lacrosse that there is a face-off to start play again, but for our league we just give the ball to the team that was scored against.


When there is a change of possession due to a goal, play will not resume until both teams have set up. The team that was scored against will start with the ball just inside the centerline on the opponent’s side. On this change of possession play shall not resume until both teams have set up. Line changes are permitted.


When there is a change of possession due to an infraction or violation of a general play rule, the team gaining possession will start where the infraction/violation occurred if in their end or at the centerline if in the opponents end. On this type of change of possession play will resume quickly. This is not a break time. If a team wants to make line changes the other team does not have to wait for them to set up.


The defensive player must give the offensive player a minimum of 5 feet to set up on the change over. Once play has started they are free to check the offensive player.


1.3 Face-off


We only have face-offs basically to start the game and after the break. There may be the odd exception to this as outlined in other sections of this document.


When a face-off is required it is usually at the nearest face-off circle. Due to the fact that we do not have goalies this could be an unfair advantage for the offensive team. Therefore all required face-offs will be at center.


For the face-off, the center men line up to the right of each other at center and place their sticks in the middle of the face-off circle. The heads of the lacrosse sticks are put back to back and the lacrosse ball is placed in between them. A player from the bench will set up the face-off and do a 3-2-1-go countdown to start the play. Each center man will attempt to pull the ball back to one of his/her teammates or they may try and scoop it up.


The other players may line up anywhere they like outside of the face-off circle. They may not enter the face-off circle until the ball has been pulled out by one of the center men.


Figure 1 below shows a face-off setup.


Figure 1. Face-off Setup



1.4 Over and Back


Once a team with possession has taken or passed the ball over the centerline (red line) and entered their opponent’s end they cannot take or pass the ball back into their own end.


When a team does go over and back there is a change of possession. 


Over and back depends on the player’s feet and not their stick. If a player has the ball and is at the centerline their stick may be over the centerline.


The centerline is considered neutral - stepping on it is not considered as going over or back.


It is not considered over and back:

·         Should the ball cross the centerline but the player returns the ball back over the line before it touches the floor. However, that player must have their feet in the opponents end or has jumped from the opponents end and returned the ball before their feet touch the floor in their own end.

·         Should the defensive team cause the ball to go over the centerline by making contact with the ball, i.e. use their stick, kick it, etc…

·         When the offensive team has taken a shot at the net and the ball rebounds back over the centerline. Note, the ball does not have to hit the net; if a shot is taken and misses the net it will still not count as over and back. However, if the offensive team should happen to touch the ball prior to it going back over the centerline after the shot it will count as over and back. I.e. offensive player A takes a shot that misses the net; offensive player B attempts to catch the rebounding ball but the ball goes off of his stick and back over the centerline.


A defensive player can force an over and back by:

·         Using light contact to bump the offensive player back into his or her own end.

·         Checking the opponent causing them to lose the ball and go back over into their own end, providing the defensive player does not touch the ball itself.


Should the ball come loose and there is a fight for the ball and the ball goes back over the centerline it will be considered over and back if the offensive team was the last to touch the ball. This is because they are the team with possession of the ball – see Possession of the Ball above for further explanation.


Play does not stop on an over and back until the offensive team touches the ball in their own end. I.e. if a pass was missed and the ball goes back over the centerline, play will not stop until the offensive team touches the ball. Should the defensive team touch the ball first, play will continue.


The one exception to the over and back rule is on a face off. From a face off a team can take possession of the ball in their opponent’s end and pass or carry the ball back into their own end once.


1.5 Crease


Offensive Team


A player is not allowed to step in their opponent’s crease. When a player does step in their opponent’s crease there is a change of possession. 


The crease line is not considered as part of the crease. I.e. stepping on the line itself is OK.


The crease is considered only on the floor. This means a player may have their stick in the crease as long as it does not touch the floor or the net.  However, if a defending player has possession of the ball in their crease they cannot be checked and the offensive player cannot put their stick in the crease. If a player does check the defending player in the crease the defending team gets a free set up inside the opponent’s end.


A player may step in the opponent’s crease:

·         When caused by forward momentum on a shot. I.e. the player is running at the net and takes a shot but due to their speed could not stop without stepping in the crease first. The player must make an attempt to clear the crease as quickly as possible or it will be considered a crease violation. The player cannot run through the crease – a step or two at the most depending on their momentum.

·         When a defending player pushes/pulls them in. Again they must make an attempt to clear the crease as quickly as possible.



Defending Team


Typically the defending team can pass the ball once to their goalie. Since we do not have goalies we can pass the ball to one of our teammates in the crease. This can only be done once per possession.


The defending players can only have possession of the ball in their own crease for up to 4 seconds. They must either step out of the crease or pass the ball before the 4 seconds are up. Failure to do so will result in a change of possession.


A defending player cannot get possession of the ball and then step into the crease. They can only pass the ball. If they do step into the crease there is a change of possession. A defending player may however, pick up a loose ball in the crease or they can pick up the ball outside of the crease with at least one foot in the crease. In this case the 4-second count applies and the defending team no longer can pass the ball to a player in the crease.


1.6 Hand Ball


At no time may a player use their hand to touch the ball. If they do there is a change of possession.


1.7 Picking


Picking is allowed in lacrosse. However, your feet must be planted and you cannot be moving. A moving pick is illegal.  You cannot grab or hold the opponent on the pick either. Any of these picking infractions is considered interference and would constitute a change of possession or possibly a penalty (see Interference below for more of an explanation).


It is legal to pick a player that does not have the ball.


1.8 Free Hand




Since the hand is considered an extension of the stick it is common for the offensive player to take their bottom hand off of their stick when carrying the ball. When they do that the defensive player can no longer hit the free hand. If they do, the play will stop and the offensive team will get a free set up. It would not be an infraction if the offensive player should let go of the stick just prior to the defensive player striking it. Typically there is usually the grace of one free hit on the free hand.


When the offensive player has let go of their stick they cannot use their free hand to push away the defending players stick. They may keep it out in front of them to protect their stick. If they should push away the stick there is a change of possession.




When on defense it is common to reach in with one hand on the stick to try and stick check the offensive player, typically when they have their back to you. You cannot use your free hand to hold, grab or prevent the offensive player from moving. Doing so would cause a stoppage in play and the offensive team will get a free set up back near the centerline.


1.9 Kicking the Ball


Kicking the ball is legal. However, you cannot score by kicking the ball.


1.10 Scoring


Since we do not have goalies we have created scoring zones. There are two scoring zones, the bounce shot zone and the direct shot zone.  In the figure below the scoring zones are identified by the gray dashed lines with the larger box being the bounce shot zone and the small box being the direct shot zone. The goal line completes the boxes.


We typically will use duct tape to mark these boxes off on the floor.


Figure 2. The Scoring Zones


To score a goal you must have at least one foot within a scoring zone.


The bounce shot zone, means the ball must touch the floor before going over the goal line. You can bounce the ball or roll it. As long as the ball hits the floor prior to crossing the goal line it is valid.


The direct shot zone means you can shoot the ball directly into the net. You may also bounce the ball, roll it, etc.


Use CAUTION when taking any shots at the net. A shot should only be taken when there is a relatively clear path to the net.


A players stick may not touch the net when taking a shot. If it does the goal will not count.


A goal can only be scored using the stick with the following exceptions:


·         The ball hits the offensive player and goes in and the offensive player did not attempt to redirect it. The scoring zone rules will still apply though.

·         The ball hits the defensive player and goes in.


Should the defending team put the ball in their own net when they are in their own end, it will count as a goal for the opposing team.


Since we do not have lacrosse nets we modify the hockey nets to be smaller. This is done by fastening boards (or some other blocking apparatus) inside the goal posts. See the figure below. Note: The blue line is a bungee cord; there could be more than one.


Figure 3. Modified Hockey Net


If the ball should go in the net between a board and the goal post or crossbar it is attached to, it will not count as a goal. The ball must go in between the two boards, i.e. the middle of the net. If the ball should hit a board first but still go in the net between the two boards it will count as a goal. If the ball should hit the bungee cord(s) and not go in the net it is not a goal. If it should hit the bungee cord(s) and go in the net it is a valid goal.


Should the ball go in the net and it is determined to not be a goal based on the descriptions above, the ball will be considered the goalies ball. I.e. The defending team will start with the ball in their crease – the 4-second count will apply.

1.11 Out of Bounds


The ball is not out of bounds until it touches something, which itself is out of bounds. A player may reach over the boards to catch the ball. The netting above the boards at each end is considered out of bounds. Should the ball go out of bounds and land back in play it is still considered out of bounds.


If the ball goes out of bounds, possession is awarded to the team that did not put the ball out of bounds. If it is not clear as to which team put the ball out of bounds a face-off will be taken at center.


The team taking possession of the ball will start:

·         Just inside the centerline on the opponent’s side if the ball goes out in the opponent’s end.

·         At the location of where the ball went out in if in their end.


1.12 Frozen Ball


A ball is considered frozen if a player or players trap it and there is no movement of it for a period of time. I.e. both teams are fighting for a loose ball and the player’s feet are holding it against the boards or a player has the ball trapped under their stick against the floor or boards. If there is no movement of the ball for a period of 5 seconds it will be considered frozen.


In this situation there will be a face off at center. Typically it would be in the end where the ball is trapped but since there are no goalies this could be an unfair advantage for the offensive team.


2. Infractions


Typically an infraction results in a change of possession. However, depending on the severity of the infraction and/or the intent of the individual committing the infraction a more serious punishment may be handed out. This will be left to the discretion of the administrator.


Generally in lacrosse when an infraction occurs play will continue until the offending team makes contact with the ball. With the lack of referees this can be difficult to manage. Usually, when an infraction occurs the play stops at the time of the infraction and the non-offending team gets a free set up (this is similar to a change of possession – the same rules apply).


2.1 Slashing


Slashing is legal as long as you are going for your opponent’s stick. The hand is considered an extension of the stick as long as it is holding on to the stick. This means you may slash at the player’s hand as well.  The slash must be controlled. Any wild swinging of the stick regardless of if it hits the stick or hand will be considered an infraction.


When swinging at the stick it is very common to hit players in other places as they are constantly moving their stick. This will not be considered a penalty. For the offensive player, if you move your stick by your face you are most likely going to get a stick in the head. This is NOT an infraction.


Should you slash a player anywhere other than on their stick and there is no obvious attempt you were going for the stick, it will be considered an infraction.


2.2 Spearing


Like slashing, spearing is legal as long as you are going for your opponent’s stick. Again, the hand is a part of the stick while it is holding it. Spearing typically is used for checking your opponent’s hands as it can jar the ball out of their stick.  The spear must be controlled. Any wild spearing attempts regardless of if it hits the stick or hand will be considered a penalty.


When spearing a player’s stick/hands it is very common to hit players in other places as they are constantly moving their stick. This will not be considered a penalty. Should you spear a player anywhere other than on their stick/hands and there is no obvious attempt you were going for the stick/hands, it will be considered an infraction.


2.3 Interference


The following infractions would be considered interference: grabbing the opponent or their stick, a moving pick, holding, hooking, preventing a player from picking up their stick if they dropped it, etc. Pretty much anything that interferes with the player’s ability to play the game outside of the permitted checks/plays.


This would also include preventing a player from moving forward when they don’t have the ball. It is OK to slow down their forward momentum or keep them to the outside but you cannot stop them from moving forward. This would typically apply when players are trying to cut to the net. It is OK to check their stick to prevent them from catching a pass.


2.4 Cross Checking


Cross checking is not permitted at any time. You may hit a player with your hands together on the stick, but the shaft of your stick should not touch your opponent.


NOTE: In box lacrosse, cross checking is allowed. We don’t play with it due to the fact that we don’t wear the proper equipment.


2.5 Contact on the Back


You cannot hit a player on the back. This is extremely dangerous – we don’t want anyone going headfirst into the boards.


If an offensive player is driving at the defensive player back first the defensive player may push back against the offensive player. In this case the offensive player has initiated the play and is forcing the defensive player to play them on their back. A reasonable amount of force should be used.


2.6 Body Checking


There is no body checking. There is light contact when going for loose balls and attempting to gain position in front of the net. This rule is fairly lenient though. Typically friends will like to beat up on each other. Just remember that whatever you dish out is what you should expect back.


The general consensus is to check a player they way they check.


2.7 Elbowing


Elbowing is not permitted.


2.8 Tripping


Tripping is not permitted.


2.9 Fighting


Fighting is not permitted.


2.10 Wild Blind Throws


On the odd occasion there have been instances where a player under pressure just throws the ball wildly at the net without even looking. This is extremely dangerous due to the fact we are not wearing proper equipment. If you are under pressure and you feel you have to just get rid of the ball then roll it back behind the net or down in the corner.


2.11 Uncontrolled Swinging of Stick


When battling for a loose ball the player must have control of their stick at all times. Any wild swinging of the stick is considered an infraction.


2.12 High Sticking


Although this is rare due to the nature of the game it is possible to have a high sticking infraction. If a players stick should happen to come up and strike a player in the head when not attempting to check that player with a slash or spear it could be considered high sticking. This would be most common when attempting to play the body or setting a pick on a player and your stick comes up and strikes the opponent in the head.


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